Testimonials & Press

  • “The Pitchsmith is helping me navigate the complicated world of managers, agents, producers and all of Hollywood I know nothing about, as well as helping me adapt my non-fiction book into a marketable scripted TV show."

    Amy Klein, Author “The Trying Game”

  • “Because I was too close to my script, I struggled with creating a logline and synopsis that would provide a clear and concise description of my story. The Pitchsmith was able to quickly see and seamlessly pull out the most important themes, tone, and pivotal plot lines in a succinct and powerful way, resulting in interest from Hollywood producers and financiers.”

    Nathan Crooker, Director, “Playback” (Sundance)

  • “The Pitchsmith helped me take a good hard look at my ideas and my authentic voice. Since working with Oritte, I look at my ideas differently and have learned to speak “high concept” fluently. I’m now rewriting my novel, and feel confident and excited.”

    — Sven Jähnert, Co-Creator & Director Love in NY

  • “There are people who can write, and there are people who can critique, but there are few who can do both, much less do them well. Oritte is at the top of a very short list of such renaissance folk, and her ability to separate the wheat from the chaff in someone’s work is unrivaled.”

    — Neil Turitz, Screenwriter / Creator of Six Word Reviews

  • “Anyone trying to get their ideas out should run, not walk, to the pitchsmith. Oritte’s gift of finding the humanity in any story is extraordinary. Her depth of thought combined with business savvy can change the game for any seasoned or not-so-seasoned writer. She’s a rare find.”

    — Allison Chernick, Director, “Itzhak”

  • “Working with Oritte has given me the tools to pursue the publication of my manuscript with confidence and clarity. Our sessions have helped me understand how to properly describe my novel to others (and even to myself!), what to expect in the process of publication, and to chart a course of action. As someone new to the process, her knowledge, positive attitude and dedication to her clients was exactly what I needed. She is a terrific coach, but also a cheerleader. I am infinitely more prepared than had I attempted this process alone."into something more

    — Yancy DeL, Sci-Fi Novelist

  • “Oritte is absolutely someone you want in your corner. She is a fabulous writer and gives excellent advice. She is as much of a mentor as she is a business woman. She will never blow smoke your way, which will make you a better writer. Her experience is extensive and she is a unique and magical person to come across.”

    — Sara Becker, Writer / Comedian

  • “Oritte is more than just a knowledgeable advisor. She’s an intuitive, soulful, and empathetic life coach and mentor. She zones in on her mentee’s talents and strengths to foster creativity leading to ultimate success and fulfillment of purpose and goals.”

    — YLB, freelance writer-journalist

  • “I had a bunch of ideas stuck in my head, and The Pitchsmith helped me isolate the most effective and compelling one, and then molded it into an exciting short story. With her help, my query letter and targets to submit to felt clear, simple, and un-daunting.”

    — Kelly, Talent Agent

  • “Oritte has always been the water to creative plants. Her knack for honing in on what makes a poem or song sing is remarkable. Every time I’d encounter her, she’d listen, then in a flash, fix a problem I didn’t know was there.”

    — Fio, Songwriter / Music Producer

  • “The Pitchsmith has contributed to my creative development and professional trajectory by revealing clear, no nonsense direction with genuine warmth. From idea conception to execution, the Pitchsmith has a unique ability to counsel distinct details, as well as monumental life events. Her ability to translate solutions not only provides incredible solace, but is something that is second nature to her.”

    — The Molly Mitch, Creative Producer